
Random Thoughts Aligning: On Leaders and Leadership

Of Sheep and Shepherd. Leaders and Followers.
The CEO and his Exco.  The coach and his players.
The Pastor and his congregation.  All one and the same. 

Deeper than you think.  Heavier than you know.
Wider than you believe. Stronger than you assume.
The power they wield. Over the minions.

One is master of the game. The other? Games of the master.
May be fed. May be kept alive. Can also be devoured.
Probably starved. Set up to succeed. Placed to excel.
Encouraged to blossom. Charged to mature. 

Guided to fulfilment. Edged towards failure.
Set on slippery slopes. Conditioned to servitude.
Delivered to mediocrity. Steered towards failure.
Propelled to destruction. 

The Great Shepherd lost not one sheep. Aside the one destined for destruction.
The Great Shepherd fed all his sheep. Not one morsel did he deny them. 
Not one loaf did he from them hide. All things joyfully he shared.

Seek help. Seek advice.
Take correction. Heed the words of caution.
Only once you may hear it. It may never be repeated. 

Do not be happily deaf. Refuse the sealing of ears.
Remove the pods. Do away with the muffs.
It may yet be your last warning.

The discerning will understand. The beclouded will attack.
Find yourself. Where do you belong?
Make amends. Correct your error.
Set yourself right. Right the wrong.


Boanerges.....Son of Thunder.


  1. Now this looks good but the issue being addressed is not that clear to me...is it the church or politics or work place or a general leadership situation?

  2. Our leadership is failing... but people also need to stop being such sheep. Stop blindly following and saying yes just for a handout. Question more. A leader with your true best interests at heart will not be offended by questions.
