
Blinded by Hate?

Ok, so you hate Nigeria, after all these years,
You now suddenly hate this country
And you would rather see it burn to the ground
Than for it to recover from years of wrong and misdeeds
So that you and your generations can benefit?

Your sudden hatred for this entity
Reminds me of that being, who after 65 years of masculinity
Declared himself to be a woman – confusion unparalleled.

Your hatred boils so much and so violently
That you'd rather the new administration failed than succeed
You hate it so much and so terribly
That you conjure, manufacture, produce and create lies
And spread it just to feed your crazed ego
And demonic self-centeredness

Your hate is so great that at every opportunity
You curse rather than bless it
You are so consumed that you bay for blood and cry for war
You want nothing but destruction of this entity
Just so you can say, "I told you so";
Just so you can be deemed as being “right”

Your hatred knows no bound
And you proudly wear it as a badge;
You carry it with you everywhere you go,
You are quick to show it to all and sundry
But you know what? You are only displaying your unparalleled folly.
If only you knew.

Hear Booker T Washington “I learned the lesson that great men cultivate love, 
And that only little men cherish a spirit of hatred”
What would be your gain if we went to war?
What would be your gain if destruction reigned?

Please tell me, confirm to me that you have another country.
Advise me where you hope to run to if the war started?
Share with me what would befall your family members
If truly a war broke out.

Wait, you have a green card? Or is it the blue passport that you carry?
Ok, is it the red one? Burgundy/brown?
Even at that, will you be totally untouched by the war?  
Do you have ALL your family members outside this country?

We have but one country, we have but one life.
Build your country. Make your life count.
Speak peace. Speak blessings. Speak love.
Eschew violence. Abhor hatred.

Like the phoenix, we will yet rise again.
Though the journey be long and convoluted
Though the storms be many and strong;
We will reach the shore.

Boanerges……Son of Thunder



It's very easy to think. All you need to do is think.
I mean, just think. Use that grey matter, stimulate it.
Wake it up. Not with drugs o. Not with gbana or powder.
Read. Genuinely seek information. Seek genuine information.

Deliberately filter the nonsense flying about in the media.
Don't swallow all that you read. Spin masters are good at weaving lies
Into the fabric of truth and vice versa.
Trust me, I know this.

The joke is on you if you swallowed it all. The joke is on you
Because you have allowed your brain to sleep. The joke is on you
Because you are mentally lazy.
The joke is absolutely on you.

The mediocrity you support is gone and you hurt badly so.
The waste is over and for this you cry.
The stupidity is no more and you can't stand it.
The past is gone, so deal with it.

Is it uhuru yet? No it's not.
Have we left Egypt? Yes we have.
Are we at the Red Sea? Definitely we are.
Will we turn and go back to Egypt? No we won't.
Will we move forward, most definitely.

Will there be the wilderness experience? Yes there will be.
Will we survive it? You bet we will.
Will we hunger and thirst along the way? We will.
But just so you know, we will be fed.

Fed in the most sumptuous way. Fed with the best of meals.
Fed with the choicest food. Fed all the way.
Fed through and through.
Even in the wilderness, there will be food for us.

Don't be an Achan, don't be a Dathan.
Avoid the Korah label. Make sure you don't become Abiram.
They all ended badly. Search the scriptures.
The answers are there. I tell you the truth.

Look not to the fruitless past.
Crave not the wasted years.
Desire not the years of aimlessness. They are gone. Behind you.
Not to be remembered. Not to be missed.

Look forward. Move forward.
One step at a time. One day at a time.
The promised land beckons. We will get there.
I will get there. You can get there. The choice is yours. 

Boanerges.....Son of Thunder.


Voice of Reason

Hey you, yes you. Don't look back, I'm talking to you.
When was the last time you spoke to that your brother, your sister? When?
Oh, so you had a misunderstanding? And so? He/she didn't apologize? And so?
Because of that you blocked him/her? Are you serious at all?

Do you not know that blood is thicker than water?
Will you stop giving me excuses? What are you high on?
Who have you been listening to?
Wait; let me ask you this question: have you started using powder?
Not talcum powder o, I mean powder like... Yes!!!! You got it, have you?

Another one; do you sniff? Not like when u have cold o,
I mean sniff emm, emm... You are sharp, you got it.
And you don't hug green bottle? You don't.
 Ok so what's making you swell like puff puff?
Or abi na bread Agege wey fall inside water?

Why are your shoulders high when you didn't use shoulder pad?
Arghhhhhhhhh!!!! I know!!!! “Igberaga ti wo e lewu fa”!!!
You are "prouding"!!!!! Hmmmmm. I pity you.
If he/she dies now you wee start crying abi?
What shall we call such tears? “Ekun eke”.

Crocodile tears. You wee start rolling all over the floor
Shouting and screaming like a demented demon.
Oh, did you just say you will not cry? You won't miss him/her?
Oh, you have no conscience? Was that how daddy raised you?
Was that what mummy taught you? See, “o tin gbo ohun awon aiye”.

What killed your conscience? What seared your heart?
What turned you into a machine? And you pray daily right?
Oh, you are even a worker in church? Arghhhhhhhhh!!!! Lo ba tan o.
Ok, recite the Lord's Prayer let me hear. Ok, ok, yes, continue.
Oya stop there; repeat that part again.... 
Can you see that as much as that part is a prayer it can be a curse too?

Hmmmmm, na you de do yourself, no one de do you.
“Kokoro tin je efo e, ara efo e lo wa”.
I pray you won't destroy yourself with needless hate.
For what? Over what?  Me I've said my own.
Feel free to stop talking to me but I know my words will ring in your ears endlessly.
The ball is in your court. Selah.

Boanerges....Son of Thunder


Ode To A Father

When a father dies, a vacuum is created
When a father transits, a void is generated
A sharp pain hits, worse than the bite of the great white
When a father dies, a cover is blown

An irreparable loss, the end of an era
A closed chapter in the book of life
Never to be reopened, never to be read again
Opin irin ajo (the end of a journey)

Worse than a sucker punch, leaves you breathless
You reel back and forth like one struck by Cassius Clay
An eerie feeling, goose bumps and chills
Deep breathing and speechlessness

To cry or not to cry, you sit and stare into space
Memories rush by; you tear up as you smile
A silent scream then a tsunami of tears
The spirit is broken, the body succumbs

Exhausted. Worn. Beaten. Broken.
But still you rise, in defiance to gloom
You smile and attempt to laugh but it hurts
But still you move, albeit in pain and agony

The final moment beckons, the rites begin
Nearer my Lord to thee, Nearer to thee
Must I go and empty handed, thus my dear Redeemer meet
A’o pade lese Jesu, ni bi ti a ko ni y’ara wa….

The casket is lowered, amidst growing sobs
Dust to dust, ashes to ashes intones the preacher man
Tears all around, even the heavens wept
As the earth took its meal, swallowing the remains

Transfixed, bemused, expectant, hopeful
But alas! No miracle. He won’t rise, at least not now
The super dad is gone, the fatherly love with him
Never to walk the earth again, never to return

There yet remains hope, a glorious and eternal one
When the living saints shall on holy wings fly
And the righteous dead shall arise, set free from the grave
In the clouds to meet, a great reunion to begin….

Boanerges…Son of Thunder