
Alatenuje toun Sunkun

Active participants in the last profligate administration
Are actively comparing prices of goods, services
And commodities one year after
They are actively juxtaposing present conditions
With those of same period last year

They are attempting a mokri of the situation
Clearly, they have forgotten
The very active roles they played
In squandering our common wealth
They have forgotten how they encouraged profligacy and stealing

They have forgotten how they said stealing is not corruption
How short are their memories?
Have they forgotten so soon? Are they cerebral at all?
Have you forgotten the role you played?
In creating this mess that you now attempt to make a mokri of?

Have you forgotten so soon
How you were caught pants down
When a letter you forged was traced back to you?  
Are you not ashamed of yourself?

Have you forgotten so soon that your principal made tons of money 
From crude oil sales yet failed to save for the future?
Have you forgotten the shenanigans of the administration you served?
Have you forgotten how many times you were exposed on social media?
For lies and willful distortion of truths and facts?

Hidden away in stolen comfort and opulence,
You rave, rant and chant on Twitter
Spewing jargons and refusing to admit culpability
You hide behind a foreign passport, a second nationality
And from a faraway country you throw jibes at another country you helped kill?

The joke is on you. The mokri is on you.
Every jibe you throw bounces right back at you.
Every mokri makes a mokri of you. Do you not know?
You can't be washed clean.

Generations yet unborn will not forget your active participation
I doubt if history will ever favour you
I'm not sure posterity will speak well of you
But then, what do I know? Continue your mokri
It will end abruptly as everything you stand for

Boanerges.... Son of thunder.

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