
In Bits, Pieces and Phases

One step at a time, one hour at a time,
One day at a time, one week at a time,
One month at a time, one year at a time,
The journey of separation takes place.

You started with God. You were built on Godly principles.
His word was important. You hung on to every bit of it.
You lived by it. You fed on it. You grew by it.

Then came the subtleties. The truthful lies.
The deceptive truths. Lies coated in sugar.
The sugar raps commenced. The distancing started.
The great schism…

Then came policies. Rights.
Amendments. Laws.
All to back up the transgressions.
The degeneration is in progress.

Caution and discipline? Thrown out the window.
His Word and presence? Suppressed. Diluted.
Altered. Mixed up.
Evil? Rationalize it.

Effect? Heartlessness. Ruthlessness.
The rise of evil. Life? Meaningless.
Not to be considered. Worthless.
Snuff it out like a candle.

The rise of evil. The increase in abomination.
Greed on the increase. Deception everywhere.
Lies, lies and more lies.

It's about me. It's about you.
No finger pointing. We all are guilty.
Lured by pleasure. Driven by lust.
Spurred by greed. We walked in our might.

Self-help. Self-reliance.
Power of positive thoughts. Strength of positive confessions.
Worthless substitutes. Useless replacements.
Inadequate alternatives.

Outside of Him, nothing works.
Without His Word, nothing is.
Without Him, you are nothing.
In Him alone is fulfillment.

You, yes you, return to Him.
Nigeria, America, England, come back.
Repent. Swallow your pride.
Acknowledge your errors. Admit your guilt.

He's waiting for you. He will pick you up.
He'll restore you. He'll rebuild you.
He'll heal you. He'll keep you.
Return. He's waiting.

Boanerges...Son of Thunder.


  1. Yes sir!!! I love this. Do you notice you're far from God? Guess who moved. However, there is always a way back to His will.

  2. Thanks Simeon. People move away from God and then complain that God is far or silent.
